Your heat pump works hard to keep you and your Charleston, SC home comfortable when you need it to. But just like with any other heating and air conditioning equipment, your heat pump won’t last forever. At some point you’ll have to consider getting your heat pump replaced. So how do you know when the right time is? That’s what the Terrace Heating & Air team is here for! Keep reading below to learn the signs that it’s time to replace your Charleston, SC heat pump.
Constant & Costly Repairs
As your heat pump ages (or any other heating and air conditioning unit), you will inevitably have to repair it every now and then from natural wear and tear. But if you find yourself having to repair your heat pump frequently, the cost of repairs can really begin to add up. Eventually it will make more financial sense to replace the entire heat pump unit. The same can be said for costly repairs. If your heat pump is in need of a repair and the cost of it is near half the cost of a brand new heat pump, it likely makes more financial sense to replace the heat pump instead of repairing it.
Age of Heat Pump
One of the most telling signs that a heat pump replacement is needed is the age of your heat pump. On average, a well maintained and properly cared for heat pump will last your between 12-15 years. If your heat pump has hit double digits and it is beginning to show signs of decline, it’s likely in need of a full replacement. Newer heat pump models will have higher energy efficiency ratings which will help you reduce your monthly energy bill while also increasing your Charleston, SC home comfort.
Lack of Home Comfort
Finally, if your home is lacking comfort and your heat pump is no longer keeping you warm or cool the way you need it to, it might be time for a heat pump replacement. To learn about some of the heat pumps we carry here at Terrace Heating & Air, check out our
heat pumps product page
or give our Charleston, SC office a call today! We are always happy to help our customers with any heating and air conditioning service need they may have.